Charlie Chaplin A Vision by Franck, Tatyana
Hardback edition without jacket (English)
Shanghai People's Fine Arts Publishing House 2019 421 pages - illustrated
This book is listed with three authors: Tatyana Franck, Cecilia Cenciarelli and Carole Sandrin. This book was listed under the first name listed.
The Title is Unknown by author, unknown
Paperback edition (Chinese)
Publisher Unknown 1985 142 pages - illustrated
The title, author and publisher are not known for this book from China.
Title (Unknown) SEI SHI JIE DAI LAI HUAN LE by author unknown,
Paperback edition (Chinese)
Publisher unknown 1984 104 pages - illustrated
Title, author and publisher, unknown. Does have: SEI SHI JIE DAI LAI HUAN LE (on cover).
The Circus by author unknown,
Paperback edition (Chinese)
Publisher Unknown 1985 174 pages - illustrated
Comic book featuring Chaplin and The Circus.
Limelight by author unknown,
Paperback edition (Chinese)
Publisher and Editor Unknown 1981 147 pages - illustrated
Both Author and Publisher are unknown for this book.
The Gold Rush A Screenplay by author unknown,
Paperback edition (Chinese)
Edited by China Film Publication House, Beijing China, 1963 63 pages - illustrated
This book is translated by Li Zhenglun.
Title (unknown) by author unknown,
Paperback edition (Chinese)
China Peace Publishing House 1997 130 pages - illustrated
Title and author are unknown. Note: Only 1 illustration.
The Gold Rush by author unknown,
Paperback edition (Chinese)
Publisher unknown 1980 130 pages - illustrated
Author and publisher is unknown.
Title (Unknown) by author unknown,
Paperback edition (Chinese)
Publisher unknown 1982 128 pages
Unknown title, author or publisher of this 1982 publication. If you know anything more about this book, let us know.
SHI JIE MING REN ZHUAN by author unknown,
Paperback edition (Chinese)
publisher unknown 1980 128 pages - illustrated
Illustrated Comic Book. If you know the author and publisher of this book, please contact us through Edna's contact page. Thank-you, management of The Chaplin Library, and the Dominique Dugros Chaplin collection.
The Circus by author unknown,
Paperback edition (Chinese)
Editor Unknown 1980 118 pages - illustrated
Title is unknown. However, as the book is only the story in pictures of the 1928 film, we can guess that the title must be "THE CIRCUS."
Charles Chaplin by Bao, Difu
Paperback edition (Chinese)
Times Literature and Art Publishing House 1996 1037 pages
No illustrations.
Charlie Chaplin Translated by Wu HUIYI by Bazin, André
Paperback edition (Chinese)
Shangaï PEOPLE'S PUBLISHING HOUSE 2008 158 pages
Charlie Chaplin Collection "People who have helped the world" by Brown, Pam
Paperback edition (Chinese)
WPC/Exley 1997 144 pages - illustrated
Tang Tai Tien Ying Fa Chan Shih Ti So Ying by Chaplin, Charles
Paperback edition (Chinese)
Taipei: Chi Wen Ch'u Pan She 1977 637 pages - illustrated
First Chinese edition of Chaplin's 'My Autobiography'. Printed in Taiwan.
My Autobiography by Chaplin, Charles
Paperback edition (Chinese)
Publisher Unknown 1985 603 pages - illustrated
My Autobiography by Chaplin, Charles
Paperback edition (Chinese)
International Culture Publishing Company 2010 424 pages - illustrated
An Autobiography by Chaplin, Charles
Paperback edition (Chinese)
Shaanxi Normal University 2010 295 pages
HUI YI WO DE FU QIN ZHUO BIE LIN My father Charlie Chaplin, an intimate portrait by Chaplin Jr., Charlie
Paperback edition (Chinese)
Changsa: Hu Nan ren min chu ban she 1982 280 pages - illustrated
NOTES: Translated by Wen Gang & Wu Yue + the screenplay of LIMELIGHT, translated by Tian Davei.
Edited by Changsa: Hu Nan ren min chu ban she 1982.
Paperback edition (Chinese)
China Social Press 2011 193 pages - illustrated
Charlie Chaplin by Kukarkin, Alexander
Paperback edition (Chinese)
China Film Publication House 1984 367 pages - illustrated
Chinese edition of a Russian book originally published in 1960 (see Russian section).
My Name is Charles Chaplin by Luque, Luis
Paperback edition (Chinese)
Greenland International Books 2010 96 pages
This book is written by two authors: Luis LUQUE & Carles ARBAT. We list under the first name listed on the book. Illustrated with drawings only. Traditional Chinese language edition of ME LLAMO... CHARLES CHAPLIN, Parramon Edicones (see the Spanish section).
Chaplin, The Funny World by Qing, Zou Ting
Paperback edition (Chinese)
Zhong Guo Shao Nian Er TongChu Ban She 2012 220 pages - illustrated
Note: Not sure on the exact translation.
Zhuo Bie Lin Zhuan Vie De Charlot, Charles Spencer Chaplin, Ses Films et Son Temps by Sadoul, Georges
Paperback edition (Chinese)
China Publication House, Beijing 1985 267 pages - illustrated
Charlie Chaplin by Turk, Ruth
Paperback edition (Chinese)
SFLEP Biography Titles 2008 139 pages - illustrated
Chaplin: Master of Comedy by Wanrun, Zhou
Paperback edition (Chinese)
Jilin Wenshi Publication House, Jiws, China 2009 163 pages - illustrated
Collection of "Chinese children's good models"
Bitter History of an Era: Charlie Chaplin by Wen Li, Sheng
Paperback edition (Chinese)
Phoenix Publishing and Media 2011 324 pages - illustrated
Zhuo Bie Lin by Zhang, Cheng
Paperback edition (Chinese)
Liaohia Press 2005 242 pages
No illustrations. The title: 'Zhuo Bit Lin' stands for: Chaplin.