CHARLIE CHAPLIN by Ackroyd, Peter
Paperback edition (Russian)
Azbooka 2016 286 pages - illustrated
Charlie Chaplin by Ackroyd, Peter
Hardback edition with jacket (Russian)
Colibri 2015 225 pages
The photo of CC with Raquel Meller misidentified as Edna has not been reproduced in this Russian edition.
Charles Spencer Chaplin by Avenarius, Georgij Aleksandrovic
Hardback edition with jacket (Russian)An error occurred in script /home/natlily/ on line 120: utf8_encode(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated
Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR 1959 266 pages - illustrated
Charlie Spencer Chaplin On his early period of creation 1914-1923 by Avenarius, Georgij Aleksandrovic
Hardback edition without jacket (Russian)
Haik Moscou 1960 264 pages - illustrated
Moja Biografija (My Autobiography) by Chaplin, Charles
Hardback edition with jacket (Russian)An error occurred in script /home/natlily/ on line 120: utf8_encode(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated
Moscow, Iskusstvo 1966 495 pages - illustrated
Footlights with the World of Limelight by Chaplin, Charles
Hardback edition without jacket (Russian)
Corpus 2017 350 pages - illustrated
Authors: Charles Chaplin with updates by David Robinson.
Hardback edition without jacket (Russian)
ANF Al'pina non-fikshn 2009 410 pages - illustrated
Russian edition of 'My Life with Chaplin.'
Paperback edition (Russian)
Ogonëk 1927 69 pages
No illustrations. NB: Russian edition of "MY TRIP ABROAD" in a shortened version (only 69 pages).
Moja Biografija by Chaplin, Charles
Hardback edition without jacket (Russian)
Kuïb "Mucteutbo" 1989 448 pages - illustrated
'My Autobiography' in Russian.
My Autobiography by Chaplin, Charlie
Hardback edition with jacket (Russian)
Ed Batphic 2000 509 pages - illustrated
Published in Moscow.
Charles Spencer Chaplin by Eisenstein, Serguei M.
Hardback edition without jacket (Russian)
Goskinoizdat Moscow 1944 207 pages - illustrated
This book has two authors:Serguei M. EISENSTEIN & S.J. YUTKEVICH.
Carli Caplin by Kukarkin, Alexander V.
Hardback edition without jacket (Russian)
Izdatel' stvo 1960 328 pages - illustrated
CHARLES SPENCER CHAPLIN by Kukarkin, Alexander Viktorovic
Hardback edition without jacket (Russian)
Moscow Nckycctbo 1991 349 pages - illustrated
Translated: Life and Work
Volume 2: The Years of Work
The Russian letters (seen on the cover) do not work with this database.
CHARLES SPENCER CHAPLIN by Kukarkin, Alexander Viktorovic
Hardback edition without jacket (Russian)
Moscow Nckycctbo 1990 352 pages - illustrated
Translated: Life and Work
Volume 1: Autobiography, My Life in the Movies.
NOTE: The Russian letters (seen on cover) do not work in this database.
Charlie Chaplin and His Films by Kukarkin, Aleksander Viktorovic
Hardback edition with jacket (Russian)
Izdatel'stvo 1988 288 pages - illustrated
Carl'z Caplin i ego fil'my by Kukarkin, Alexander Viktorovic
Paperback edition (Russian)
Moscow Izdatel'stvo "Nauka" 1966 247 pages - illustrated
Title in English: 'Charlie Chaplin and his films'
Fil' My Caplina by Kukarkin, Alexander V.
Hardback edition without jacket (Russian)
Izdatel'stvo 1972 768 pages - illustrated
Scenarii i Zapisi po fil' mam
English: Chaplin's Film - Scenarios and notes
Charlie Chaplin "Bolshaya lyubov malenkogo Charli" by Nadejdin, Nikolaï
Paperback edition (Russian)
Izdatelb Osipyenko 2008 192 pages - illustrated
Note: "Bolshaya lyubov malenkogo Charli" (Little Charlie's big love)
чарли чаплин by Nadejdin, Nikolaï
Paperback edition (Russian)
Collection "Secret of Succès" 2010 220 pages - illustrated
Charlie Chaplin by Poulaille, Henri
Paperback edition (Russian)
Tea-Kino-Pecat Moscow 1928 119 pages - illustrated
Russian edition of the French book.
Carli Caplin Zizn' I Tvorcestvo by Robinson, David
Hardback edition without jacket (Russian)
Raduga (Moscow) 1990 671 pages - illustrated
Russian edition of CHAPLIN: HIS LIFE AND ART.
Carli Caplin by Sadoul, Georges
Hardback edition with jacket (Russian)
Iskusstvo (Moscow) 1981 258 pages - illustrated
Definitive edition of "ZIZN CARLI " (Carl'z Spenser Caplin, ego fil'my i ego vremja), Russian translation of "VIE DE CHARLOT" (Charles Spencer Chaplin, ses films et son temps)
Carl'z Spenser Caplin ego fil'my i ego vremja by Sadoul, Georges
Hardback edition with jacket (Russian)
Izdatel'stvo "Progress" 1965 320 pages - illustrated
As spelled in book. Russian edition of "VIE DE CHARLOT, SES FILMS ET SON TEMPS", See French section.
Charlie Chaplin by Sklovskogo, Viktora
Paperback edition (Russian)
Athenaeum Leningrad, USSR 1925 103 pages
No Illustrations
CARLI CAPLIN, ZIZN I TVORCESTVO Charlie Chaplin, Life and Work by Sokolov, I.V.
Hardback edition without jacket (Russian)
Goskinoizdat 1938 120 pages - illustrated
Charlie Chaplin Istoriya velikogo komika nemogo kino by Weissman, Stephen
Paperback edition (Russian)
Eksmo 2010 349 pages - illustrated
Russian edition of the controversial "CHAPLIN: A LIFE" - Note: Istoriya velikogo komika nemogo kino (The story of silent movies' greatest comic)