Charlie Chaplin Russian Book Library
Charlie Chaplin Book and Music Guide

Charlie Chaplin Russian and Czech Books

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Chaplin Russian and Czech book reference created by Dominique Dugros and All information on the books listed are for the books pictured.
We will update the pages as new books arrive.
HB - Hardback PB - Paperback
RUSSIAN - 1959
Charles Spencer Chaplin
By Georgij Aleksandrovic Avenarius
Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1959
Hardback Edition with Jacket
266 Pages - Illustrated

Georgij Aleksandrovic Avenarius
RUSSIAN - 1960
Charlie Spencer Chaplin
(On his early period of creation 1914-1923)
By Georgij Aleksandrovic Avenarius

Haik Moscou 1960
Hardback Edition without Jacket

264 Pages - Illustrated

Moja Biografja
RUSSIAN - 1966
Moja Biografija
(My Autobiography)
By Charles Chaplin

Moscow, Iskusstvo 1966
Hardback Edition with Jacket
495 Pages - Illustrated

Moja Biografija 1989

RUSSIAN - 1989
Moja Biografija
(My Autobiography)
By Charles Chaplin

Kuïb "Mucteutbo" 1989
Hardback Edition without Jacket
448 Pages - Illustrated

Charlie Chaplin My Autobiography - Russian RUSSIAN - 2000
My Autobiography
By Charlie Chaplin
Ed Batphic (Moscow) 2000
Hardback Edition with Jacket

509 Pages - Illustrated

RUSSIAN - 1960
Carli Caplin
By Alexander V. Kukarkin
Izdatel' stvo 1960
Hardback Edition without Jacket

328 Pages - Illustrated

Alexandar Viktorovic Kukarkin
RUSSIAN - 1966
Carl'z Caplin i ego fil'my
(Charlie Chaplin and his films)
By Alexander Viktorovic Kukarkin

Moscow Izdatel'stvo "Nauka" 1966
Paperback Edition
247 Pages - Illustrated

Alexander Kukarkin RUSSIAN - 1972
By Alexander V. KUKARKIN
Izdatel'stvo 1972
Hardback Edition without Jacket
768 Pages - Illustrated

Scenarii i Zapisi po fil' mam -
Chaplin's Film - Scenarios and notes

Aleksandr Viktorovic Kukarkin RUSSIAN - 1988
Charlie Chaplin and His Films
By Aleksander Viktorovic Kukarkin
Izdatel'stvo 1988
Hardback Edition with Jacket
288 Pages - Illustrated

Henri Poulaille RUSSIAN - 1928
Charlie Chaplin
By Henri Poulaille
Tea-Kino-Pecat Moscow 1928
Paperback Edition
119 Pages - Illustrated

Russian edition of the French book

Henri Poulaille
RUSSIAN - 1990
Carli Caplin
Zizn' I Tvorcestvo
By David Robinson
Raduga (Moscow) 1990
Hardback edition without Jacket
671 Pages - Illustrated

Russian edition of CHAPLIN: HIS LIFE AND ART.

Carl'z Spenser Caplin RUSSIAN - 1965
Carl'z Spenser Caplin
ego fil'my i ego vremja
By Georges Sadoul
Izdatel'stvo "Progress" 1965
Hardback Edition with Jacket
320 Pages - Illustrated

As spelled in book. Russian edition of "VIE DE CHARLOT, SES FILMS ET SON TEMPS", See French section 2

Carl'z Spenser Caplin
RUSSIAN - 1981
Carli Caplin
By Georges Sadoul
Iskusstvo (Moscow) 1981
Hardback Edition with Jacket
258 Pages - Illustrated

Definitive edition of "ZIZN CARLI " (Carl'z Spenser Caplin, ego fil'my i ego vremja), Russian translation of "VIE DE CHARLOT" (Charles Spencer Chaplin, ses films et son temps)

RUSSIAN - 1925
Charlie Chaplin
By Viktora Sklovskogo
Athenaeum (Leningrad, USSR) 1925
Paperback Edition
103 Pages - No Illustrations

Jaroslav Broz CZECH - 1961
Vecny Tulak Charlie
(Immortal Tramp Charlie)
ByJaroslav Broz
Orbis 1961

Hardback Edition
150 Pages - Illustrated

Muj Zivotopis CZECH - 1967
Muj Zivotopis
By Charles Chaplin
Odeon 1967

Hardback Edition
554 Pages - Illustrated

Czech edition of 'MY AUTOBIOGRAPHY'


Minu Elulugu
(My Autobiography)
By Charles Chaplin

Eesti Raamat 1990
Hardback Edition without Jacket
512 Pages - Illustrated


From the collection of Dominique Dugros. Created by Dominique Dugros, Emeline Charrier
and Linda Wada - A Very Special Thanks to Dominique Dugros for the collection and all his help, as well as help from Emeline Charrier. This section would not have happened without you.

The Chaplin Library was created from the Dominique Dugros Collection.
Information by Dominique Dugros from his collection for use on
The Chaplin Library - Dominique Dugros Collection - Copyright 2005-2016
The Chaplin Library launched July 2005.

Images of covers created from Dominique Dugros collection especially for The Chaplin Library.
Any use other than on the library has not been authorized.

Charlie Chaplin is a trademark of Bubbles Inc. SA used with permission. Charlie Chaplin, Chaplin and the Little Tramp, the images of Chaplin's on this web site and the names of Mr. Chaplin's films are all trademarks and/or services marks of Bubbles Inc. SA and/or Roy Export Company Establishment used with permission.

All other content Copyright 2001-2016 - Linda Wada, WadaWorks, All Rights Reserved - launched November 25, 2002