Edna Purviance, Charlie Chaplin's Leading Lady - Welcome to Paradise

Edna Purviance's official site explores the birthhome and life of Edna Purviance, Charles Chaplin's most enduring and endearing leading lady.
Born October 21st, 1895, Edna Purviance lived a few years in ParadiseValley before moving to Lovelock, Nevada. You will learn more about Edna and her family life in Nevada and beyond. Edna's site led to Edna's grand nieces, the last family members who actually knew Edna personally.
In September 2006, our company Leading Ladies (Hill Family and Linda Wada) presented in Hollywood the first documentary on Edna Purviance, with Lita as special guest. In October 2011, the documentary showed at the Charlie Chaplin International Conference in Zaneville, Ohio. And in November and December 2013, spend sometime in the UK doing some research for the project.
In January 2008, we released "The Sea Gull "A Woman of the Sea." Top reviews from Kevin Brownlow to Leonard Maltin. Book about Edna's lost starring film, directed by Josef Von Sternberg, but never released and destroyed by producer Charles Chaplin
With Chaplin devotee Dominique Dugros, we have the Chaplin Library with over 800 books at the Chaplin Library Database. No one has done as my research on Edna, so the most will be coming in the bio. Meanwhile, enjoy your visit today! - Linda Wada & Dominique Dugros

Edna Purviance
webmaster & researcher Linda Wada
15 years researching Edna Purviance, author of The Sea Gull
Links to Articles: Edna's family and life in Nevada
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Edna Links!
Text links to the favorite pages
on the site. (Image links below)

Chaplin Links!
Selection of Charlie Chaplin
Articles. (Image links below)

Official Website of Edna Purviance since 2001
January 23, 2023
Latest February 2021 Update
Latest update to the Database for Dominique's Chaplin Library
History of Edna's former Lovelock home
Edna's family home and business was torn down in 1946, by a family who never knew Edna lived there. An expansion project for the former Up to Date Laundry building, took over the space in 1947. Leaving an once garden in half ot the former hotel's 25 foot wide lot. Today, some people believe the former Up To Date Laundry was connected to Edna. The connection was never a home, but a building that had several different businesses, that Edna grew up next to. In that it does make that building special. But it is NOT Edna's home. More on Edna's Nevada homes below.
First Complete Draft is finished!
Edna Purviance's Family Bio!
Working on the draft, so no release date at this time.

Immigrant family from England moving to the American west & the life that led one grandchild,
to being a silent star with Charlie Chaplin.
Video highlight of Lovelock & Reno October Events

Another NOT Edna Purviance
The Pilgrim Comparison
Joao Santos' comparison between the Official & earlier Russian verison

Seen The Kid? Comparing different versions!
Latest Mutual Films from Flicker Alley!
with Edna Purviance and Charlie Chaplin
- Special Collectors Edition

Re-visiting London - includes Charlie Chaplin's Statue
Bill Douglas Cinema Museum in Exeter & Cinema Museum in London

Edna's Youtube videos on RAF Museum, Chaplin's statue, Cinema Museum & Tour & more!

Special post on identifying people: Morgan vs. Morgan
More Links & Silent Film News
Chance to see The Salvation Hunters!
Enjoyed Fatty Arbuckle films on TCM? Get the full DVD collection!
90th Anniversary of 'A Woman of Paris' contest! And the winner IS!!!!
Identifying Edna Purviance! Take the test, see the results!
Know every scene in Charlie Chaplin's films? Take the quiz!
'THE KID' - Three different versions
Discovered Personal Films of Edna Purviance!
Silver City, Idaho Lovelock Nevada
Edna's mother's home Edna's family home
Edna Purviance's father, MADISON GATES PURVIANCE

Charlie Chaplin
includes the Edna Purviance Collection in London & related stories
Charlie Discovers Edna Purviance- 1915
Charlie Chaplin Book and Music Guide
Kevin Brownlow and David Gill: Hollywood Series Collection
Garen Ewing's Graphic Novel, The Rainbow Orchid
April 2009
(1 hour and16 minutes)

Imagination to Print
In April 2009, Garen was close to seeing his first book from
Egmont UK...
In January 2013, we picked up where we left off, as Garen finished The
Complete Rainbow Orchid!
Over 32,000 listeners for Part 1!

January 2013
(1 hour and 09 minutes)

Silent film fan, comic artist & author, Garen Ewing, give Edna Purviance a tribute in
his published graphic novel, The Rainbow Orchid, the Adventures of Julius Chancer.
Special thanks goes to Garen, for inspiring Edna Purviance's website in the fall of 2001.
Wheeler Dryden
Special tribute page to Wheeler Dryden, Charlie and Sydney Chaplin's half brother. (Mother - Hannah Chaplin)

Chaplin's London Statue

Charlie Chaplin's statue in
Leicester Square in London
Charlie Chaplin London Statue
Comments about Edna Over the Years
See EDNA'S PLACE for more artcles
Member of the Former Chaplin Society

I have a Edna Page on Facebook for those who like to 'connect'
Top of the page
Charlie Chaplin is a trademark of Bubbles Inc. SA used with permission. Charlie Chaplin, Chaplin and the Little Tramp, the images of Chaplin on this website and the names of Mr. Chaplin's films are all trademarks and/or service marks of Bubbles Inc. SA and/or Roy Export Company Establishment used with permission. All Charlie Chaplin images Copyright 2001-2023 Roy Export Establishment. All rights reserved.
Historical Photos of Edna's Family and the surrounding area used with permission of Humboldt County Museum Nevada
All other content Copyright 2023 - Linda Wada-WadaWorks, All Rights Reserved
ednapurviance.org originally launched November 25, 2001
Edna Purviance French Site launched November 25, 2002
The Chaplin Library launched July 28, 2005
Websites that link to this site are tracked.